Community Consulting Services

Wendy Krom smiling outdoors
Wendy Jill Krom · 413-464-1804 · Email

Helping YOU make a difference.

Since 1998, Community Consulting Services has provided leadership training, technical assistance and coaching for non-profit agencies. We work with organizations, groups, and individuals to improve quality of life, and support health, well-being and balance.

All workshops and services can be adapted to you and/or your group’s needs. Whether you want to develop a meditation practice, live a more balanced life, or support your clients, staff or Board of Directors, we can help you make that happen!

Most programs can be offered either online (Zoom or another platform) or in-person. Mindfulness Matters workshops and meditation spaces can be offered at your office, conference, library, or community center. Please be in touch and we can make a plan to meet your needs.

Together, we can create community through mindful awareness of ourselves, others, and our world.

A road traveling through summer treesCommunity Consulting Services will help you and your team:

  • Learn and practice mindful awareness
  • Work together more effectively
  • Set and accomplish your goals
  • Develop more open communication
  • Create healthier work environments

Call (413) 464-1804 today, for Community Consulting Services to help YOU make a difference!

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Mindfulness Matters on Facebook

Mindfulness Matters
Mindfulness MattersFriday, July 19th, 2024 at 7:53pm
Join us for Mid-Year Retreat!
Mindfulness Matters
Mindfulness MattersThursday, July 18th, 2024 at 5:30pm
Dream Big! And make your dreams reality. Join me one week from now -- Thursday, July 25. 5:30 pm to re-visit your dreams and intentions! More info and register here:
Mindfulness Matters
Mindfulness MattersWednesday, July 10th, 2024 at 1:40pm
Mid-July Newsletter. Subscribe, and check out earlier issues!
Mindfulness Matters
Mindfulness MattersTuesday, July 2nd, 2024 at 5:36pm
Dream Big and Go For It! Join me for my Mid-Year 'Retreat'. Check in with your intentions and set a course forward! July 25, 5:30-7 pm EST.
Mindfulness Matters
Mindfulness MattersThursday, June 27th, 2024 at 8:48pm
Won't you consider joining me for a Mid-Year "Retreat" -- 90 minute online workshop - Thursday, July 25, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. More info and to register:

I'm looking forward to re-visiting my 2024 intentions along with you! Time to re-align with your vision. Re-prioritize your action plan.
Mindfulness Matters
Mindfulness MattersMonday, June 24th, 2024 at 4:45pm
This photo (taken by my friend, Chris Dixon) speaks to me of Equanimity -- walking in balance. Please join us for the final session of JUNE Meditation Series - 2024 where we'll explore how to cultivate Equanimity in our lives. Tomorrow, Tuesday 6/25 @ 3 pm.
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